Aquarium 3.0 Alpha 2
Build Date: 18-02-2002
This the new Aquarium projet. The aim of this project is to demonstrate
how complex and powerfull genetic algorithm can be.
You need a Java Virtual Machine (JVM, also called JRE). Take the 1.3.1_02
from, or the final 1.4.
Note 1: 1.4 will speed up your simulation by 2.5 (yes 2.5 if you use the GUI).
Note 2: On my Windows jdk 1.4 and 1.3.1 does live well together
If you have a jdk1.2.x or 1.1.x this won't work.
'Alpha' means that
- there are lot of things missing
- there are bugs
- there is a very small documentation (user documentation)
- the Java documentation may contains mistakes
- Sources will not be available (some classes will be obfucasted)
- build will not be very user friendly
In this second Alpha :
- Documentation
- XML specification
- Small tutorial for GUI
- LifeRoom and FoodMap editor documentation
- The preference.txt file is a commanted preference file
- For GUI
- You can now edit/save your preferences using the GUI
- Editors work better
- You have direct acces to the log viewer
- A new status bar will indicates the remaining time and other information
- For Command line
- Unvisible things ;-)
- Code improves
The first Alpha
you will have acces to 3 different applications.
- No graphics, in this mode you can launch an experiment, but you will
see nothing. Logs will be generated, and it will be your only
- You can make huge simulation
- You will not consume lot of memory
- You won't be able to interfer with the experiment
- Should be very stable
- It's not very funny
- And all specification must be done throught files
With graphics, in this mode you will be able to view what is
You can view every thing
You will be able to edit specification throught windows
You will be able to interfer with the experiment
Is funny to watch
Will take much more memory
Lots of thing missing right now
You can visualy analyse your log file with a build in GraphViewer
commande line.
Recommended configuration: P200Mz and 64Mo
Take a look at the preferences.ini file
Use the or runcmd.bat file
With graphics.
Recommended configuration: P500Mz and 128Mo
Take a look at the preferences.ini file
Use the or runit.bat file
Analyse of logs
Recommended configuration: P200Mz and 64Mo
Use the or runviewer.bat file
Read the lauch script file if you want to use specific options
- Using the 1.4 final J2SDK will speed up the application.
As an example a 15000 turns, with 50 worms, 1 food, and 150x150 life room
- with 1.3.1-02 => 4 minutes
- with 1.4 => 1m53 minutes
Under Linux, using the graphics can be very slow, but if you minimize
the visible life room it will increase the speed of the simulation.
Activating the log of the DNA convergence degre is not a good idea if
you make a imulation with more than 100 worms. Since this method is in
The log viewer is able to read any file tabuled, and with a string
looking like #<legend>X Y1 Y2 Y3</legend>
Send me an email
I am looking for a job, so if you're interested,
feel free to contact me at